Patreon adds free membership option and other features

Patreon, the crowdfunding platform, is making significant changes to its offerings, expanding beyond paid memberships to cater to a wider audience. While paid memberships remain central to the platform, fans can now join communities for free, broadening the reach of creators. This move positions Patreon in direct competition with major social media platforms, offering a more direct and algorithm-free connection between creators and their fans.
The second major change introduces a suite of commerce tools similar to Shopify, enabling creators to sell standalone digital products and content. This includes videos, podcast episodes, music, and other downloadable files. Rapper Wreckonize serves as an example, selling his new single for $10 on Patreon, providing buyers with direct access to his work.
Patreon will levy a 5% cut on commerce transactions, lower than the 8% share it currently takes from paid memberships. These exciting updates are set to roll out to all creators later this year, after a waitlist phase.
Founded by musician Jack Conte, Patreon has been a magnet for various artists over the years, offering them a platform to engage with their audience and provide unique membership tiers. With the introduction of free memberships and commerce tools, the platform aims to attract even more artists seeking to establish closer connections with their fanbase. As with any major change, the response from the creative community will be closely watched, but the future of Patreon appears promising with these new developments.